Ben M. Pollard

By zthanson, 13 December, 2022
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Shelbyville, Kentucky
Service Branch
Air Force
Date Captured
Date Repatriated
Pre Capture Image
Man wearing glasses dressed in a decorated U.S. Air Force suit.
PreCapture Description

Ben Pollard enlisted in the U.S. Naval Reserve on March 29, 1951, and served until October 6, 1952. Pollard was commissioned a Second Lieutenant through the Air Force ROTC program at Purdue University on July 16, 1954, and went on active duty beginning February 28, 1955. He completed Undergraduate Pilot Training at Laredo AFB, Texas, in April 1956, and F-86D Sabre upgrade training in August 1956, before serving as an Interceptor Weapons Instructor with the 3558th Combat Crew Training Squadron at Perrin AFB, Texas, from December 1956 to December 1958. Lieutenant Pollard then served as a Flight Test Maintenance Officer with the 3555th Maintenance and Support Group, also at Perrin AFB, from December 1958 to February 1960. He received an Air Force Institute of Technology assignment to Purdue University to complete his Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering before serving as an instructor at the Air Force Academy from June 1961 to August 1966. Major Pollard then completed F-105 Thunderchief Combat Crew Training before being assigned to the 13th Tactical Fighter Squadron at Korat Royal Thai AFB, Thailand, in February 1967. He was forced to eject over North Vietnam on May 15, 1967, and was taken as a Prisoner of War.

Post Release Image
Older man in a suit, tie, and glasses.
Post Release Description

Pollard was released during Operation Homecoming on March 4, 1973. Colonel Pollard was briefly hospitalized to recover from his injuries at Sheppard AFB, Texas, and then returned to the Air Force Academy as an instructor in August 1973, later becoming the Deputy Commandant of Military Instruction and the Commander of the Air Force Academy Preparatory School before retiring from the Air Force on July 16, 1981. Ben Pollard Flew West on Veterans Day, November 11, 2016, and was buried at the U.S. Air Force Academy Cemetery in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Ben and his wife Joan had two children together, Mark and Ginny.

Honors, Citations, and Commendations
  • Silver Star (2)
  • Legion of Merit (2)
  • Bronze Star (2)
  • Prisoner of War Medal
Passed away before release
Post Release