Larry J. "Lucky" Chesley

By zthanson, 16 December, 2022
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Burley, Idaho
Lieutenant Colonel
Service Branch
Air Force
Date Captured
Date Repatriated
Pre Capture Image
Man in a decorated U.S. Air Force suit.
PreCapture Description

Larry Chesley enlisted in the U.S. Air Force on June 19, 1956, and was trained as a teletype and crypto operator. Chesley served two years at Shiro AFB, Japan, with the 6901st Security Wing, and almost two years with the 6900th Security Wing at Frankfurt, West Germany, before receiving an honorable discharge on June 14, 1960. He remained in Reserve status while he completed college and he entered Air Force Officer Training School in November 1963. After receiving his commission, on February 4, 1964, Lieutenant Chesley entered Undergraduate Pilot Training, and was awarded his pilot wings at Webb AFB, Texas, in March 1965. He next completed F-4 Phantom II Combat Crew Training, and began flying combat missions in Southeast Asia with the 433rd Tactical Fighter Squadron at Ubon AB, Thailand, in December 1965. On April 16, 1966, Chesley was forced to eject over North Vietnam and was taken as a Prisoner of War.

Post Release Image
Close up photograph of a man in a suit.
Post Release Description

Chesley was released during Operation Homecoming on February 12, 1973. After hospitalization, Colonel Chesley received an Air Force Institute of Technology assignment to Arizona State University and earned an MBA, followed by a tour as an instructor at the University's Air Force ROTC program. Chesley returned to flying status in 1977 and became a flight instructor at Williams AFB, Arizona. During this time, he completed Air Command and Staff College in June 1977 and Air War College in June 1978. His final assignment was as Liaison to the Arizona Wing of Civil Air Patrol. Colonel Chesley retired from the Air Force on January 1, 1982. He authored a book, "Seven Years in Hanoi", which was published in 1973, and taught for several colleges and universities after he retired from the Air Force. Larry served as a State Senator in Arizona from 1993 to 1997. Larry Chesley Flew West on May 2, 2021, and was buried at the City of Mesa Cemetery in Mesa, Arizona. He and his wife Judy raised nine children and had 29 grandchildren.


Honors, Citations, and Commendations
  • Silver Star (2)
  • Legion of Merit
  • Bronze Star
  • Prisoner of War Medal
Passed away before release
Post Release