Joseph Crecca, Jr.

By zthanson, 27 December, 2022
First Name
Last Name
East Orange, New Jersey
Service Branch
Air Force
Date Captured
Date Repatriated
Pre Capture Image
Black and white photo of a man in a suit.
PreCapture Description

Joe Crecca entered Air Force Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Texas, on July 2, 1964, and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in September 1964. Crecca next went through Undergraduate Pilot Training, graduating in October 1965. He completed F-4C Weapons Systems Officer training in June 1966 and reported to the 480th Tactical Fighter Squadron of the 366th Tactical Fighter Wing "Gunfighters", at Danang AB in the Republic of Vietnam, in August 1966. While flying his 87th combat mission, Lieutenant Crecca's F-4 was hit and he was forced to eject over North Vietnam. He was immediately taken as a Prisoner of War.

Post Release Image
Man in a decorated U.S. Air Force suit.
Post Release Description

Crecca was released during Operation Homecoming on February 18, 1973. After repatriation, Crecca went back on flying status and served with the 58th Tactical Fighter Squadron, 33rd Tactical Fighter Wing, at Eglin AFB, Florida, flying F-4E's from February 1974 until November 1976. He next served with the 3246th Test Wing, also at Eglin AFB, from November 1976 until he left the Air Force in July 1978. He served as Chief of Stan/Eval in both the 33rd TFW and 3246th TW. After leaving the Air Force, Major Crecca flew Douglas DC-8's and Boeing 747's with Flying Tigers, and then MD-11's and DC-10's with Federal Express after the two airlines merged. He retired from Fedex in September 2005. Major Crecca wears Command Pilot Wings and accumulated over 1,800 flying hours in the T-37 Tweet, T-38 Talon, F-4C, D, E, and RF-4C Phantoms, and the T-33. In addition, he has flown over 15,000 hours as an airline pilot and in civilian flying in the Beech King Air, EMB-120, Boeing 727, 747, 757, 767, DC-8, DC-10, and MD-11 aircraft. Joe is married to the former Joan Rice of Liverpool, England, and they have one son, Elliott, who is a U.S. Army Captain in the JAG Corps and has recently spent a tour in Iraq.

Honors, Citations, and Commendations
  • Distinguished Flying Cross
  • Bronze Star
  • Prisoner of War Medal
Passed away before release
Post Release