Robert Earl Wideman

By zthanson, 8 February, 2023
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Montreal, Canada
Service Branch
Date Captured
Date Repatriated
Pre Capture Image
Close up of a man.
PreCapture Description

On May 6, 1967 during a routine mission Robert Wideman lost control of his A-4 Skyhawk jet as the control stick jammed forcing him to eject from his aircraft. Subsequently, Robert Wideman was captured by the North Vietnamese.

Post Release Image
Man in a gymnasium speaking into a microphone.
Post Release Description

Robert Wideman was released on March 4, 1973. After 20 years of service in the United States Navy Robert Wideman retired. He proceeded to join the business world after earning his MBA from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. As well as graduating from University of Florida College of Law and practicing as a lawyer. Additionally, he teaches other pilots as a simulator instructor. Wideman published his autobiography/memoir “Unexpected Prisoner: Memoir of a Vietnam POW” receiving the Independent Publisher Book ​Awards National Bronze Medal in 2017.


Honors, Citations, and Commendations
  • Bronze Star (2)
  • Prisoner of War Medal
Passed away before release
Post Release